The promotion of the electric vehicle in Europe, under examination

Kalifornijoje pristatytas „Aptera Motors“ triratis elektromobilis „Aptera 2e“, kainuosiantis nuo 25 iki 40 tūkst. JAV dolerių (nuo 64 iki 102 tūkst. litų)
European ministers meet on Tuesday and Wednesday in Brussels at the final Competitiveness Council to be held during the six months of the Spanish Presidency, which has an agenda laden with important issues such as the electric vehicle, the European patent system and national R+D investment goals. 

On Tuesday, the Spanish Minister for Industry, Miguel Sebastian, and Secretary of State for the EU, Diego Lopez Garrido, will chair the internal market session. It is envisaged that the Council will adopt conclusions on the EU strategy for the promotion of clean and efficient cars from the energy point of view, including hybrids and fully electric vehicles. 

The strategy contains an action plan that spans initiatives from fields such as approval systems for different types of vehicles, environmental efficiency, research and development technology, consumer information, employment, and international business co-operation.  

With the forthcoming introduction of these vehicles in the market and their increasing acceptance among consumers, the ministers will ask the Commission to submit specific legislative proposals aimed at strengthening Europe's leadership in clean automotive technologies and leading to job creation in the sector.  

The electric vehicle is one of the priorities of the Spanish Presidency, which has fostered a Europe-wide debate and a study of public policy to boost its production and introduction into Europe.  

During the internal market session it is also expected that the ministers set policy guidelines for the revision of the European patent system and take stock of the implementation of the services directive.  

The ministers will also address the marketing of construction products in order to establish harmonised conditions and review measures aimed at strengthening consumer rights.  

On Wednesday, under the chairmanship of the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, the ministers will exchange views on the establishment of national targets for investment in research, as envisaged in the 2020 European strategy for growth and job creation, and as Heads of State and Government should formally adopt in June, at the end of the Spanish Presidency. 

The Research ministers will also discuss the development of the European Research Area, and it is expected that they will adopt conclusions thereon, and on the fostering of innovation in Europe and the simplification of European research programs.