Globalisation fund: Budgets Committee backs aid to Spain and Ireland

2157 former construction workers in Spain and 598 ex-employees at the Irish crystal glass company Waterford Crystal with suppliers could get €11 million in EU globalisation adjustment fund aid for training, self-employment and professional orientation under plans approved by the Budgets Committee on Wednesday. The plans still need to be approved by Parliament as a whole and the EU Council of Ministers.
Parliament's reports on the plans were drafted by Barbara Matera (EPP, IT).

Spain - ceramic industry

Between September 2008 and June 2009, 2425 people lost their jobs at 181 small and medium-sized enterprises in the ceramics industry in the Spanish region of Valencia. Of these, 1600 would be eligible for help from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF).

The planned help includes occupational guidance, training, workshops, apprenticeships and counselling on how to set up a business. The total cost of this help is estimated at €10,151,900 of which EU aid would cover €6,598,735.

Spain - door manufacturers

A total of 585 people lost their jobs at 36 firms producing doors and door-frames in the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha between November 2008 and July 2009. Of these, 557 would be eligible for EU funded assistance.

If endorsed by Parliament in plenary as well as the Council, the aid would help cover the costs of intensive job-search assistance, occupational guidance, training, workshops, apprenticeships and counselling on how to set up a business. The total cost is expected to be €3 million, of which the globalisation adjustment fund would cover €1.95 million.

Ireland - Waterford Crystal

The Irish application relates to a total of 653 people who lost their jobs at the crystal glass manufacturer Waterford Crystal and three of its suppliers, Thomas Fennell Engineering Ltd, RPS Engineering Services and Abbey Electric in South-East Ireland, between January and May 2009. Of these, 598 would be eligible for EU help.

The package will help the 598 most disadvantaged of these dismissed workers by offering them occupational guidance, help for business start-up and various training courses with the relevant allowances and grants.  These measures are expected to cost € 3,955,159, of which Ireland has applied for €2,570,853 from the EU fund.

Employees at Waterford Crystal in other EU countries also lost their jobs during the crisis but they will not be covered by the measures since no other Member State has applied for EGF support.

Mid-term evaluation of the EGF

In addition to the three cases of direct support to unemployed workers, the Budgets Committee also approved granting the Commission €1.11 million to cover the cost of activities relating to a mid-term evaluation of the EGF, including studies, creation of a knowledge base, meetings between experts and further development of the EGF website.

The EP Employment Committee has also examined the proposed payments and supports all four payments.  Parliament's and Council's endorsement is required to mobilise the funds. The plenary vote is scheduled for 15 June.