European members of parliament and US congressmen support the intensification of mutual dialogue

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This Sunday, at the end of the LXVIII EU-US Interparliamentary Meeting, the delegations of European MPs and US congressmen approved a joint declaration in which they support the intensification of mutual dialogue.

The final declaration of the meeting includes a reference to the global nature of the crisis and its effects, it defends the need to stabilise the situation of member states and in the Eurozone, and it supports the coordination of joint actions.

In this annual meeting, which on this occasion was held in Madrid, because of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, the aim is to interchange positions on matters of foreign policy and bilateral cooperation.

During the debates, American congressmen expressed the desire that in the European Council meeting, scheduled for the 17 June in Brussels, the European Union maintain its current position on the blockade of Cuba. 

In his speech on Saturday, the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, underlined the level of understanding, comprehension and balance between the European Union and the United States in terms of finding solutions to conflicts such as Gaza and Israel or Iran.
Moratinos insisted on the willingness to work together with mutual trust in matters such as the fight against terrorism, and he expressed his confidence in reaching an agreement on the transfer of “sensitive data” in the fight against terrorism soon.

After recognising that the crisis in the Middle East is one of the most serious in the world, Moratinos stated that both the United States and the European Union shared the same vision, commitment and strategy for reaching a solution.

Other challenges have been added since the solution for the conflict offered by the Madrid Peace Conference, namely peace for territory, such as weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons, or terrorism, “which make solving the problem more complex” said Moratinos.

After referring to “what happened in Gaza's waters”, in reference to the attack by Israel on boats that were carrying humanitarian aid, he stated that “in a crisis, there are always opportunities” and that efforts would have to be redoubled in order to reach a definitive agreement.