European Commission allocates €5 million for urgent humanitarian aid in Kyrgyzstan

Today, the Commission decided to provide emergency funding of €5 million to assist the vulnerable victims of the serious violence involving the Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities in Kyrgyzstan which erupted on 10 June. The allocated funding will be used to provide emergency medical support, food, water, shelter, non-food items, protection and psychosocial assistance to the victims.

Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response stated "the situation in the regions is serious. Many people have died and innocent civilians are fleeing for their lives. In addition to internally displaced people, last reports available indicate that at least 100,000 people have crossed into Uzbekistan with tens of thousands of others waiting at the border. We have acted quickly in order to provide life-saving support for the victims of this devastating violence."

Immediately after the crisis broke out, the Commission decided to send an expert on the ground to evaluate the humanitarian needs in the region. The expert is currently working with partners to assess the most immediate and vital needs. The relief will be channelled through partner organisations such as non-governmental organisations (NGO's) and international organisations including United Nations agencies and will benefit both the Kyrgyz and Uzbek populations.