The Real Price of

Porn and the Internet were made for each other. In exchange for some much-desired privacy, users are willing to deal with fly-by-night companies and even give their credit card data to questionable vendors. The news reports say that Sex, the domain name, is worth at least US$65 million. That's how much a federal judge awarded the rightful owner from the pockets of a cybersquatter who made an estimated $40 million in profit over a five-year stretch. The value set raised a lot of eyebrows. After all, conventional wisdom held that the most expensive domain to date was, which sold for $7.5 million back in 1999. Naturally, sex trumps business. But this verdict should be viewed as undeniable proof that sex on the Internet is business. Huge business. The battle over is a rare glimpse into just how much money is changing hands in the underground Web economy. It is confirmation that pornography is the dominant force on the Web, even after a good five years of legitimate e-commerce growth. Very few people were shocked to learn that federal investigators were charging some New York-based Web pornographers with illegally billing customers millions of dollars. One official admitted that thousands of such cases probably go unreported because of the nature of the complaints.