Middle East peace process: “EU must be a full player, not just a payer”, says Pittella

Izraelis atakuoja Gazos ruožą
“The EU should play another role than just paying out” for the Middle East peace process, Parliament's first Vice-President Gianni Pittella (S&D, IT) told Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad at a bilateral meeting on Tuesday.

“The EU should play its full role in the Quartet and is better placed now to actively contribute to the two-state solution which Parliament has always advocated”, Mr Pitella told Mr Fayyad, who met Parliament's Budgets Committee earlier on Tuesday.

On the EU's financial contribution to the region, Pittella said “our aid to the Palestinian Authority and the UNWRA should be strengthened”. MEPs are “extremely worried” by the proposed reduction, in the EU's 2011 budget, of over 32% in financial assistance to Palestine, the peace process and UNWRA.

“The Flotilla attack is a harsh blow to the peace process”, said Mr Pitella, pointing out that Parliament had recently passed a resolution condemning the attack and requesting an international inquiry into the events.

He assured the Prime Minister that “the European Parliament will pursue its efforts to help lift up the Gaza blockade”.

Asked by Mr Pitella about his views on the resumption of direct talks and whether these talks should be bilateral or multilateral, Mr Fayyad replied that “substance is what matters. The substance of these negotiations is more important than its modalities”.