EP President Jerzy Buzek meets Polish President Bronisław Komorowski

Bronislavas Komorovskis (Bronislaw Komorowski)
The destination of the first official visit of newly elected Polish President Bronisław Komorowski was the European Parliament in Brussels, where he received a warm welcome from his host, a man he smilingly described as his “former boss”, current Parliament President Jerzy Buzek. Komorowski served as defence minister in Buzek´s Polish government in 2000-2001.
“My visit is intended to show how important the European orientation is to Poland,” he declared, explaining his decision to make Brussels his first foreign visit as President.

The two men discussed priorities of the upcoming Polish EU Presidency in 2011, as well as the strategic role of Poland in European defence and foreign policy, the creation of an EU diplomatic corps and other issues. On foreign policy Komorowski gave a particular welcome to military cooperation with EU allies: “I am happy that a French-Polish-German battle group will be operation in 2013 as a concrete example of European cooperation among our three countries.”

For his part, Buzek looked forward to “new impulses” from the EU Presidencies of both Hungary and Poland in 2011.