New set of rules

Starting in June, Hong Kong businesses and individuals will have a new set of rules related to Internet domain names ending in .hk to wrangle with. In recent months a new not-for-profit corporation, the Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Co. Ltd (HKDNR), has taken over responsibility for the administration and assignment of names in .hk from the Hong Kong Network Information Centre, an academic organization. The HKDNR will introduce new Net name rules on June 1. Hong Kong businesses will now be able to register multiple domain names, where once they were restricted to one domain. An arbitration service has been appointed to deal with multiple claims over the same domain names, disputes and cybersquatting allegations. The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre will provide this service to settle disputes before involving the courts. Between June 1 and 8, Hong Kong trademark owners will be given a "sunrise period" during which they will be able to register domain names resembling their trademarks ahead of other claimants. The new services come with new costs for domain name registrants - each name will now cost HK$200 (US$25.64) and HK$200 ($25.64) for each annual renewal. Previously names did not need to be renewed, costing only HK$200 when registered.