Commissioner Füle visits Egypt on 11 October 2010

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The main purpose of the visit is to discuss with Prime Minister HE Dr Ahmed Nazif and other key ministers how to strengthen the EU-Egypt partnership further. The European Commissioner will also announce EU-Egypt co-operation programmes for the period 2009-13 amounting to €800 million.

“Europe’s relations with Egypt go back centuries. Our close geographic proximity and our strong cultural ties make us natural partners. We can learn a great deal from each other. We both stand to gain considerably from an even closer relationship.” stated Commissioner Füle on the eve of the visit.

Several financing agreements relating to the 2009 co-operation and the Memorandum of Understanding relating to the co-operation 2011-13 will be signed during the visit; furthermore, the EU Commissioner will announce the adoption by the EU Commission of the 2010 programmes. The whole financial package 2009-13 amounts to €800 million.

During his visit to Cairo, Commissioner Füle will meet with HE Dr Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister, HE Mr Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister of Foreign Affairs, HE Eng Rachid Mohamed Rachid, Minister of Trade and Industry, HE Mrs Fayza Aboulnaga, Minister of International Co-operation and HE Mrs Mushira Khattab, Minister of State for Family and Population.

The EU Commissioner will also visit an EU funded project on “Working Children” within the Children at Risk programme, implemented by the National Council for Children and Motherhood.


EU and Egypt enjoy long-standing relations currently governed by the Association Agreement that entered into force in June 2004. In March 2007 an Action Plan was adopted within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Since 1995, Egypt benefitted from nearly €2 billion of assistance from the European Union.