Oxford Measures The Internet's Impact

The center was made possible by a $14.23 million donation from the Shirley Foundation, matched by public funds of $7.11 million from the Higher Education Funding Council For England (HEFCE). Dame Stephanie Shirley, founder of the Shirley Foundation, says she gave the money because she wanted to ensure that Britain was an authoritative leader in understanding the social and ethical issues and global concerns emerging from Internet use. The institute will be an international center for collaboration among universities and public and private sectors. But, because it is based at academically independent Oxford University and is funded by donations, commercial interests won't be reflected in the institute's studies and reports. Everyone involved in creating the institute has an agenda for participating. England's Secretary of State for Education David Blunkett says that one of the center's top priorities will be research issues surrounding cryptography, intellectual property, and security. Meanwhile, HEFCE's chief executive Sir Brian Fender is excited that the institute will create a technology-based academic community that will position the United Kingdom as a global leader when it comes to addressing social concerns of the Internet. The primary research programs will focus on the fundamental shifts in human behavior and interactions as a result of technology, comparative media law and policy, and creating new educational software.