Hoax hits harder than a virus

A hoax e-mail warning people that their PCs may contain a virus called sulfnbk.exe—that will be triggered on 1 June—seems to be propagating as a result of mass hysteria. The e-mail, which was originally written in Portugese and was reported to be doing the rounds in Brazil last month, has now been translated and appears to be appearing throughout the UK, advising people to delete a harmless Microsoft Windows utility—called sulfnbk.exe—from their hard disks. Antivirus experts were quick to point out that the e-mail does not contain a worm, and is being passed around simply by well-meaning people alarmed at its contents. The hoax message indicates that the virus was found on every PC in somebody’s office,and that it was not detectable with virus software. In fact, the file is on every PC that has Windows installed, and is not detected by antivirus software because it is not—and does not normally contain—a virus. Sulfnbk.exe is a Microsoft Windows utility that is used to restore long file names, according to Symantec, and deleting it could cause that feature to cease working properly. Experts believe the propagation of the Sulfnbk.exe e-mail is caused mainly by confusion. Vmyths.com, a Web site that debunks spurious virus warnings, said the confusion may have been heightened by the fact that e-mails were surfacing that contained a copy of the Sulfnbk.exe file that was infected with a virus. But this virus, called W32.Magistr.24876@mm, is well-known and easily removed with any good antivirus software.