Site puts private cell calls on Web

A new Ottawa-based website, (to which a pornographic ad seemed to have been added late last night), is streaming live cellphone audio onto the Net from a radio that scans cellphone frequencies in the city. While some might question whether it's ethical, it's entirely legal, and probably a stomach-churning shock to Ottawa's myriad of cellphone users who hadn't thought much about the fact that they're using a fancy two-way walkie-talkie on public airwaves. One surprised user was Karine Raymond when she learned from the Sun yesterday that a call she had made on her cellphone had been broadcast live on the Web. "I'm shocked," said the 34-year-old who uses her mobile phone for confidential discussions regularly. Standing on the corner of St. Laurent Blvd. and Walkley Rd., Raymond made a call giving her full name and phone number live on the Web as she left her message. She was aghast when the Sun contacted her to inform her about the website. The solution isn't just to get a digital phone, it's also important to maintain access to a digital network. When a cellphone user leaves a digital area and the phone silently switches to analog mode, the call is susceptible to scanner monitoring.