The IP&TV World Forum 2011 Exhibition Was Opened in London

Company Penki Kontinentai representatives at IP&TV World Forum 2011

The IP&TV World Forum 2011 – one of the largest internet and communications technology exhibitions – has started on March 22 in London. The companies providing telecommunication services, cable TV and IPTV operators, as well as TV content providers introduce their solution at the Exhibition. This year a particular attention is paid to the hybrid products of cable TVs using IP technologies.

The representatives of the Lithuanian company Penki Kontinentai, which also participates at the Exhibition, said that they appreciate the participation in one of the largest events of its kind and came here prepared really seriously.

“British audience has always been very demanding, so we were preparing very carefully and responsibly for the Exhibition as well as last year. We are pleased to present here Lithuania and state-of-the-art IPTV solutions created by our company”, said Idrak Dadashov, the Chairman of the Board of Penki Kontinentai.

One of the topics of the first day of IP&TV World Forum 2011 is various software applications, which, according to specialists, are finding their place on the TV screens and give an opportunity to provide a television with much more personalization. TV set, tablet computer, and smart phone are merged together and allow extending the functionality of these devices.

The Penki Kontinentai Company also keeps pace with the global trends and offers a variety of application programs for the Exhibition visitors. According to Konstantin Butrimovich, Head of Company's Mobile Device Software Development Department, the mobile devices not only expand the possibilities, but also make various TV services even more attractive and more accessible for users.

“The use of mobile devices is becoming almost a mass phenomenon. It is felt at this Exhibition too as the interest in them is very big. Observing the global trends, we have offered to our customers the possibility to use their smart phone or tablet PC  as the remote control, as well as Smart House system management with mobile devices, and the popular Google Maps on your TV screen. Our goal is that the majority of our services would be controlled by mobile devices in the future”, said K. Butrimovich.

The International Exhibition IP&TV World Forum 2011 lasts until the 24th of March.

Follow the news of the Exhibition and get acquainted with the latest solutions of Penki Kontinentai at, Penki TV YouTube Channel, and website.