Dalai Lama sets Baltic times in new tour

He arrives at Tallinn airport in the evening, and after a brief press conference will spend the night in the Tallinn city administration residence. "In comparison with rock stars and other figures, the Dalai Lama's wishes regarding food and accommodation are rather modest," said Sven Grunberg from the Estonian Oriental Society, who is organizing the visit to Estonia. The Dalai Lama is first of all a monk who is ready for a plain, ascetic atmosphere, he said. According to Grunberg, the nine members of the Dalai Lama's delegation have nothing against Estonian potatoes, butter, eggs and bread, honey and vegetables. The Dalai Lama will visit Riga from June 21 to 24, having been invited by the Latvian Culture Academy. He will give a lecture at the academy on June 21, then on June 22 he will meet the scientists and artists of the Academy of Sciences. Also on June 22, at 3 p.m., the Dalai Lama will give a public lecture on "The Art of Happiness" at the Skonto Hall. On June 23 at 10:30 a.m., he will give a lecture on compassion and mutual dependency. The Dalai Lama goes to Lithuania on June 24. This time he was invited by Rolandas Pavilonis, rector of Vilnius University.