Linux, Java proponents embrace .NET

TWO SMALL DEVELOPMENT shops are looking to help companies use .NET Web services with Linux and Java. Ximian, a small, Boston-based developer specializing in user interfaces for Linux, will formally announce on Monday an open-source project to create a Linux version of Microsoft's .NET platform. On the Java front, San Jose, Calif.-based Halcyon Software is enabling developers to either migrate their Active Server Pages or Visual Basic code to JSP (JavaServer Pages) or Java, respectively, or to deploy .NET applications on Java-based infrastructures. Ximian's Mono Project will incorporate basic .NET building blocks including a C# compiler, Common Language Runtime compiler, and a complete set of class libraries, all of which will help developers create platform-independent .NET applications. The Mono Project will enable the creation of both graphical interfaces using Gnome components as well as the development of server applications and Web Services. Source code will be available under the General Public License (GPL) and the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), which company officials believe helps quicken the development of .NET-compliant run-time and development environment.