Retired Sergeant Faces Spy Charges

The retired Air Force master sergeant, decorated for military analysis during the Gulf War, is now accused of trying to share the wealth. He is suspected of seeking to give other countries samples of the kind of classified U.S. information he could obtain. Investigators have linked his activities to Libya, a government source says. Regan, 38, was charged Friday with conspiracy to commit espionage. The alleged damage appears minimal, analysts and government sources say. While Regan was not charged with spying - just the attempt to do it - several pieces of information linked to him reached one country in the fall of 2000, according to an affidavit by FBI counterintelligence agent Steven A. Carr. That country, identified in the affidavit as Country A, mostly received pictures taken by U.S. satellites. The affidavit does not say what was in the pictures. Libya is Country A, said the government source, speaking on condition of anonymity.