Videos with another sensational confession of two KGB operatives were posted to all Belarus-accredited Russian TV channels, a range of independent Belarusian newspapers and radio-stations. The tapes portray two persons, one of who introduces himself as an employee of the Minsk KGB department for constitutional order preservation and terrorism fighting Gennady Uglenitsa. The second man didn’t mention his position but called himself Andrei Zhernosek. These folks confirm the data, laid out last week in the testimony of SOBR fighter, who witnessed in fall 1999 the assassination of Viktor Gonchar and Anatoly Krasovsky at the military site near Begoml. However, as different to last week’s man, these two do not hide or avert their faces from video cameras and manifest photos of those, implicated in murders, whose names had been voiced by a SOBR soldier. Gennady Uglenitsa and Andrei Zhernosek claim that both Viktor Gonchar and Anatoly Krasovsky had been massacred. Read further the full text of the sensational testimony.