Bush OKs $15B Airline Aid Package

President Bush signed a $15 billion aid package Saturday for the nation's airline industry, which has suffered mounting economic losses since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The legislation ``will provide urgently needed tools to assure the safety and immediate stability of our nation's commercial airline system,'' Bush said in a statement. ``The terrorists who attacked our country on Sept 11 will not shut down our vital businesses or thwart our way of life,'' Bush said. He added that the bailout legislation will ``improve passenger safety, help the victims and their loved ones, and keep America's airplanes flying while the airlines develop long-term viability plans.'' The signing came less than 24 hours after the House voted, 356-54, Friday night to complete congressional approval of the legislation. It had cleared the Senate, 96-1 earlier Friday. Most House opponents were Democrats unhappy that the measure did not also provide aid for the 100,000 airline workers being laid off because of the industry's financial troubles. Legislative leaders have promised those who consider the measure inadequate that Congress will consider bills to boost spending on aviation security and aid displaced airline workers.