Chechnya's Capital Waiting For Clashes

Chechnya's capital Grozny is not quiet. Russia's federal forces may loose control over the city, the newspaper Izvestia says, quoting sources in Grozny's military commandant's office. The statement comes after many areas of Gudermes, the second large town in Chechnya, fell into guerrilla hands on Monday. Many Grozny residents have fled from the city to avoid possible clashes. It means that rebels are going to attack the city, the source says. According to the commandant's office, there are a huge number of well-armed rebels around the city and they may to take their control over Grozny quite easily. There have already been some local shootings in the streets of the capital. Meanwhile women from Chechnya's government have been evacuated from Grozny to Mozdok, Izvestia reported, quoting police sources. The government refused to make any comments on the matter. Three Russians have been killed in Grozny. The bodies of two men, 18 and 25, with execution-style bullet wounds were found on Wednesday at the central market of the Zavodskoy region, Interfax news agency reported. The same day another man was shot dead in front of his house. 25 Russian servicemen were reported dead and 34 wounded after Monday fightings in Gudermes, Chechnya's second-largest city. Meanwhile casualties among Chechen guerrilla are lower, amounting to 17 men. It was a largest assault in months by rebels, who have focused over most of the past year on small-scale raids and planting mines. Russia withdrew its troops from Chechnya in 1996, but the army returned in September 1999, after incursions by Chechen rebels into neighbouring Dagestan and the deaths of some 300 people in apartment bombings that Russian officials blamed on rebels.