Americans on alert for retaliation

America went on nationwide alert Sunday amid fears of another terrorist attack in the United States, and warnings from the State Department and congressional leaders that terrorists may launch another attack in retaliation for U.S. bombing. U.S. aircraft patroled professional football games and television’s Emmy Awards were indefinitely postponed. Meanwhile, Vice President Dick Cheney was moved to an undisclosed location as a security precaution. As the UNITED STATES began military action against targets in Afghanistan, the State Department warned of the possibility of “strong anti-American sentiment and retaliatory actions against U.S. citizens and interests throughout the world.” These actions may be taken “by terrorists and those who are sympathetic to or otherwise support terrorism,” the department said in issuing a “worldwide caution.” Americans in Afghanistan should leave the country, the government said and Americans elsewhere were urged to monitor the local news, stay in touch with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate and limit their movement.