The allegations

Prosecutors have questioned Foreign Minister Cimoszewicz and Defense Minister Jerzy Szmajdzinski in connection with Self-Defense leader Andrzej Lepper's allegations that they accepted bribes, PAP reported on 2 December. Speaking to the Sejm on 29 November, Lepper suggested that Cimoszewicz accepted $120,000 and Szmajdzinski at least $50,000 in illicit payments earlier this year. Meanwhile, the youth wings of the ruling Democratic Left Alliance and the opposition Law and Justice, as well as other youth groups, have called on journalists to "isolate" Lepper, who is a threat to Polish democracy in their opinions. "Today, using ploys such as 'I am just asking and not accusing,' it is possible to libel people with anything. The severest accusations can see the light of day without any proven bases," the groups said in a joint statement in reference to Lepper's charges.