November's E-Commerce Rise Smallest Of 2001

E-commerce spending last month rose just 10 percent over November 2000, the smallest year-over-year increase in all of 2001, according to a study by Nielsen/NetRatings and Harris Interactive published today. The slowdown in growth is a reflection of the Sept. 11 attacks and a sluggish economy, and will put a damper on holiday e-commerce that will produce lower-than-expected sales, the report said. Fifteen percent more shopped online last month than in November 2000, but per-person spending dropped. November spending was $5.3 billion, up from about $4.8 billion in the year-ago month and just 14 percent better than October - half the 29 percent increase in 2000. September sales jumped 54 percent over the year-ago month and October rose 25 percent, setting expectations for a healthy holiday season. November's $5.3 billion total was on par with pre-September spending, the report said.