Take your favourite books with you when setting off on a journey!

With weather becoming warmer, we often travel to our summerhouses as well as visit relatives living in the countryside. However, it is a big challenge for those who cannot live without books and reading. After all, one can’t squeeze one’s whole library into the car trunk, can one? But in our age of technology it is hardly a problem anymore. All one needs is an e-book reader that has already become a routine to many, and he or she will be able to take all one’s favourite books to the journey.

Incidentally, this is a great opportunity to access the novelties of the books world, since their translations into Lithuanian and Russian languages ​​are often released within few years after the book release date. In addition, there are books released in e-format only and with the reader you won’t miss any of them.

It was “Penki kontinentai” Communications Centre who introduced one of the first e-readers, Hanlin E-Reader V3, to the Lithuania book lovers. It is a pocket-book format device with a screen, where one will be able to read books, magazines and other publications transferred from computer hard drive or downloaded online. E-reader can also be used to listen to audio books, and comes with headphones.

Hanlin E-Reader V3 has a high-definition 6-inch screen with E-Paper technology, which ensures that it is easy to read even in direct sunlight and is less tiring for the eyes. The device ‘understands’ majority of popular computer file formats (pdf, doc, txt, jpg, gif, html, mp3, etc..). In addition, it has a USB port, which allows easily and conveniently uploading texts from PC. In total, the device can accommodate up to 4 GB of information.

E-reader is an economic device. After being charged once, it will be available up to two weeks (at least 10,000 pages of text). The Hanlin E-Reader V3 battery is charged via power plug or USB port.

E-reader is available in Vilnius, at “Penki kontinentai” Communications Centre (Kalvarijų St. 143) or e-shop. For more information, please contact sales@5ci.lt.