The Third Russian Internet Forum

The annual forum of the major Russian organizations and companies, whose business directly relates to Internet, has already become traditional in Russia. The Third Russian Internet Forum (RIF-99) is announced to take place on March 10 to 13, 1999, in Moscow environments. It will include plenary sessions, "round tables" and work in sections. The forum will be attended by both providers and customers of Internet services. Attention will be paid to Internet role in customers_ everyday life and work. The top ten topics for the discussions will be Russian Internet portals, Internet advertising and marketing, Internet payments and e-commerce, domestic Internet products, Internet resources and Internet search in Russian, information security, multiservice networking, access networking, mass media in Internet, investments in Russian Internet projects. RIF-99 is being organized by the Regional Social Center of Internet Technologies (ROCIT) with support of the State Committee on Communications and Informatization. The official Internet partner of RIF-99 is Infoart publishers, a well-known Russian content provider. The company will make on-line reports from the events of the forum, including real-time broadcasts. They may be attended at Infoart virtual congress center at . The official RIF homepage is