Focus on customer needs – a successful business index

The contemporary business world is unthinkable without a competitive fight, forcing companies to constantly think about the performance of the offered services and the quality of products. For more than a decade company BS/2, successfully working in the banking technology market, in order to improve their performance and improve service quality and service, invites its customers to fill out a special form.

The main purpose of questionnaires – to hear first–hand opinion about a company and its products and services to ascertain customers' priorities, find out what information they lack. In addition, according to the BS/2 Marketing Manager Gintare Junevičiūtė, the questionnaire helps to understand customer needs more clearly and provide a possible strategy for the guidelines.

“In business, it is important not only to attract more new customers, but also to give due attention to existing ones. Such questionnaires – this is one of the ways to tell our customers that we care about them. After questionnaire data will be processed, we will have a clearer picture of what is most relevant to clients, to what they pay attention when purchase a product or service, ”– commented G.Junevičiūtė.

Company BS/2, which is owned by group of companies' “Penki Kontinentai”, is specializing in creating and supplying the software to optimize the work of ATMs and self–service facilities. The company’s developed innovative solutions are recognized in more than 60 countries around the world.