“Press.lt” – new opportunities for publishers!


Most would probably agree that digital press has become a full-fledged substitute for conventional newspapers and magazines. Such devices as e-readers, smartphones, pads, computers have enabled publishers to take a giant step forward and win the attention of most readers. After all, when traveling for business or other affairs, it is very comfortable to read favourite publications on a mobile device, and the image of publishing companies as well as the number of readers of their publications is directly related to the opportunity to sell publications in electronic format. Moreover, a problem of higher spread of printed press remains relevant to publishing companies.  One of modern solutions to this problem is “Press.lt”.

Security and confidentiality, attractive design, unlimited advertising opportunities – these are the main advantages of a virtual kiosk “Press.lt”. A software developed by specialists of a group of companies “Penki kontinentai” enables publishers to introduce their latest periodicals to many readers in a simple and quick manner as well as to monitor the statistics and find out the most popular publications. User data protection ensured by the choice of the most reliable software solutions, as well as modern and comfortable “Press.lt” graphical user interface allows publishers to increase the loyalty of readers.

Having chosen “Press.lt”, publishers can instantly identify and edit prices of their publications, add a video highlighting the main topics to a general description of a publication.  By the way, creative team of “Penki TV” channel can be of help here.  Thus, not only can readers be the first ones to know about a new issue of a newspaper or magazine, but also to receive attractive and detailed visual information about digital press.

For more information about “Press.lt” and contact details for publishers visit >>>