CEBIT 99: Non-Conforming Y2K Data Solution

Wavetek Wandel Goltermann (WWG) is showcasing its new Y2K application which offers a solution to the problem of receiving non-conforming data from the likes of suppliers or customers. Based on WWG_s Mentor analysis technology the 2000.NetCheck searches for long and short non-conforming dates that are being exchange on the network, instead testing every application a company is running. It then traces and isolates the source and destination of the application. This allows the system manager to then troubleshoot the source of the non-conforming date. 2000.NetCheck overcomes the problem of using different formats for dating files by providing the user with the ability to search for a number of formats. The user simply has to decide which format to look for. Once this has been decided it will search for a single date, a range of dates or all dates that fit the search criteria. 2000.NetCheck also has the ability to check for encoded formats, such as ASCII, EBCDIC and Binary Coded Decimal. In addition protocol selection has been included.