Europeans Show Strong Interest in 3G

Research from Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) revealed that 42 percent of the 6,959 European mobile phone users that were interviewed across 10 countries were curious about the emerging technology, with 21 percent indicating that they would be willing to pay an additional €6 to €10 per month for some 3G services such as multimedia message service (MMS), high speed Internet and e-mail capability. Furthermore, TNS found that the majority of respondents would be willing to pay up to €330 for a 3G handset. Of those that expressed interest in using 3G applications, 77 percent were interested in sending and receiving e-mails on their mobile phones; 77 percent were interested in using videophone handsets; 47 percent were interested in downloading music files; and 40 percent indicated they had an interest in viewing video clips. The level of interest in 3G fluctuated between the Eastern and Western European respondents — 59 percent of users in Turkey and 51 percent in Poland said that the were "interested" compared to only 34 percent in the UK or in Germany. Also, 48 percent of men are interested in 3G compared to only 36 percent of women. Widespread adoption of 3G technology could lead the mobile payments market that Wireless World Forum expects to reach €55 billion by 2006 with nearly 200 million active payment users in the key markets of Japan, USA, UK and Germany.