“Chief” level event

The ICT World Forum at CeBIT2003 is on invitation only, “Chief” level event where 500 of the world’s Information and Communication Technology leaders will join together and explore the pressing issues of the world marketplace. Over 1000 additional invited guests and press will be permitted to witness the event, making this the world’s most exclusive collection of ICT leadership ever assembled. Its goal is to create a global brain trust with the singular mission to focus on the present and future issues facing the ICT industry and global business. This event will attract a broad network of leaders from business, government, academia and to focus on the key issues facing the global ICT industry in the year ahead. Its purpose is to leave the participants with a unique viewpoint that sets the tone for the world’s largest ICT gathering. The Forum’s rational is to present a variety of perspectives and issues being affected by the global ICT industry, including those most affected: Industries, ICT Professionals, Government and Consumers. The Forum will be thematic and deal with the informational, legal and social issues facing the industry. The Forum will be strategic, making it valuable to its participants, newsworthy and hence important for all involved.