Banking Solutions at CeBIT 2003

The exhibition highlights this year include solutions in and around the whole area of branch process optimization. To remain competitive, branches - any bank's most cost-intensive sales channel - simply have to be reorganized. At the same time, the branch remains the anchor point for personal relationships, as it is here that one-to-one contact and interaction take place - the necessary basis for successful long-term customer relationships and customer loyalty. The company will be using a wide variety of branch solutions to demonstrate how the goal of cost optimization can be reconciled with that of a growing customer-centered approach, and how entire branch concepts can be put into action. As part of these solutions we will be showing you automated teller machines, statement printers and multifunction kiosk systems, all enabling routine activities to be automated. As any branch restructuring has to include an individual analysis tailored to customers' specific needs and situations, we include within this area another focal point, namely consulting services. Be there where the customer expects you to be - any time, any place and on the end of any one of a number of types of terminal. This mantra is a matter of survival, and not just for the financial services industry either. From tailored advice and guidance to innovative IT architectures and implementation of multichannel strategies, Wincor Nixdorf offers its customers custom-built total solutions. With ProClassic/Enterprise, for example, Wincor Nixdorf will be presenting solutions for supplying and managing communications and sales channels. Here, the focus will be on integration of channels such as self-service systems, call centers and contact centers, Internet and mobile terminals such a mobile cell phones - whether as a modular component or as a total solution. Uniform customer relationship management with the aim of fast, successful customer care requires an efficient multichannel architecture. We will be using selected issues to demonstrate how central availability of data - whether in the call center, at the point of sale or within the marketing function - can be used successfully and to profitable effect. Whereas in the past customers just wanted to use ATMs to get cash, today the ability to pay cash in and have it credited to one's account right away is regarded as a standard service every branch must offer. Demand for mechanical processing of all types of cash and related forms of payment is also set to increase as we move into the future. In this way, the decision about what type of cash solutions to use, and how to use them, has a direct effect on customer satisfaction. Under the banner Total Cash Management, Wincor Nixdorf will be showing optimum cash processing solutions for all sizes of branch, plus a range of compatible security components as well as software products for optimum utilization of all cash systems.