
On April 1-4 Minsk will host the 10th Belarusian congress on telecommunications, information and banking technologies "Tibo’2003". Organizers of the congress said that forum will be held in two places – the Palace of Republic and the Belarusian National Academy of Sciences (NAS). The organizers of the congress include NAS, Ministry of Communications, Committee on Science and Technologies, Belarusian State University and others. The forum will work in seven basic blocks. The block "E-government" will show and analyze the state and prospects of informatization of the basic branches of economy, organize experience exchange between experts. The "Digital Economy" block will unite e-commerce, technologies at enterprises, banking and finance technologies, problems of e-business security. The block "Technological Basis of Informatization" will demonstrate network technologies, hardware use of information systems, software, including the most recent native developments.