Moscow to impose juvenile curfew

The bill was passed with 23 vs 1 vote with 2 abstentions. The document was first submitted to the house in December last year, but then it was rejected. Notwithstanding the positive outcome of the voting, the bill came under harsh criticism during the Wednesday debate. In particular, many deputies believe the new law would scarcely be enforceable. Under that law, police would have to stop all teenagers for ID checks after 2200, since effective laws do not oblige Russian residents to always carry their personal IDs with them. Besides, the authors of the bill have failed to discuss their initiative with the authorities of the encircling Moscow Region, which means Moscow teenagers will be able to evade police beyond the Moscow ring road, whereas detaining a teenager from the Moscow Region in the capital by night would be unlawful, hold some deputies. Some deputies fear the law would encourage bribe-taking. Under the bill passed by the city Duma, teenagers under 14 will not be allowed to stay in the streets and public places from 2200 till 0600. Parents who fail to observe the new rules will have to pay a fine of 3-5 minimum monthly wage equivalent (300-500 rubles).