HP Adds SpamSubtract to New PCs

The Palo Alto, Calif.-based Hewlett-Packard said interMute's SpamSubtract software would be added to the new desktop PCs to offer consumers a tool to block obscene images and mask offensive text often embedded in unsolicited e-mail. The SpamSubtract software, launched by interMute earlier this year, takes a two-pronged approach to combating spam. There is a free version (which is what HP is shipping) that camouflages offensive words and blocks the preview of image attachments, which sometimes contain explicit or offensive pictures. A premium version -- SpamSubtract PRO -- takes the anti-spam fight a step further, allowing users to set up filters to block unwanted mails, which still receiving missives from 'Friends' which can be preset on the software. The paid version costs $29.95. "An additional benefit of SpamSubtract's isolation approach improves PC security, as spam with harmful attachments is quarantined outside of your Inbox," interMute noted. For HP, the addition of anti-spam software adds another carrot to lure PC buyers in a market that has stagnated in recent times. "By bundling SpamSubtract on our popular consumer desktop PCs, HP is helping parents protect their children from inappropriate material found in email and providing mill ions of consumers with a highly effective spam-blocking tool that allows users to decide what email is not permitted to enter their Inbox," HP product manager Carol Ozaki said.