Over 200m European internet users by 2004, survey

Europe's online population reached 184m by the end of 2002 and will surge beyond 200m by the end of 2004, according to a new study from IDC. The survey, which covers internet usage and eCommerce in Western, Central and Eastern Europe between 2002-2006, maintains that Germany is going to be the locus of change as the European internet epicentre moves east, from the UK to the accession states. Commercial connectivity is recognised as a significant driving factor here as strong Germanic ties with the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, particularly Poland (Germany is Poland's premier trading partner), will have a knock-on effect for viable IP-based services/providers in neighbouring countries. Today, clear contrasts exist between the European regions and countries, the report suggests. While the West has grown to include over 43 per cent of the population in 2002, the CEE region reflects an internet population of just 13 per cent. Businesses or organisations have led the way in internet access; a trend that is particularly pronounced in the CEE. As such, B2B eCommerce has manifested itself across Europe. "The initial wave of B2B eCommerce was started by visionary "sell-side" organisations that explored the internet’s abilities as a sales channel. However, roles are now reversed, and purchasing organisations currently drive B2B eCommerce growth," said Daniel O'Boyle Kelly, research director at IDC's European internet expertise centre. The study argues that once behaviour change and adoption, whether from a buy side or sell side, is triggered and gains momentum, the effects on internet commerce will be dramatic. This is reflected in the numbers, where by 2006 IDC believes total eCommerce in Central and Eastern Europe will reach E2.1bn (USD2.4bn), while Western Europe will exceed E226bn (USD261bn).