Berlusconi at Turkish wedding

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been in Turkey, but not on business or political affairs. The premier was acting as a witness at the wedding of his Turkish counterpart's daughter. Berlusconi and Tayyip Erdogan have apparently forged a close friendship. He has worked hard to improve relations between the two countries after enraging Muslims two years ago when he said western civilization was superior to Islam. Berlusconi is said to firmly support Turkey's aspirations to join the European Union. It is a largely Muslim nation with a population of 70 million people. The ceremony in Istanbul was held amid tight security but it was marred by protests and the discovery of two explosive devices. Some groups have criticised the Turkish prime minister for encouraging young people to marry. His daughter is only 16-years-old and had to get special permission as, by law, you must be 17 to wed in Turkey.