Divorce only a click away

People have wooed on the Web, proposed on the Web and arranged their weddings on the Web - and now they can get divorced on the Web thanks to a new online divorce package. Desktop Lawyer offers couples uncontested divorces for £79.99 and more than 300 are reported to have taken it up since the scheme was launched last week. But with more than four in 10 marriages failing, many church organisations see this latest move as unhelpful. Catholic priest John Arnold said: "In times of difficulty, when it is tempting to turn round and walk away, this is perhaps a service which will help them to do that. "Really we should be looking for the strengths of the marriage and the commitment that two people have made to one another." Visitors to the site answer questions from which Desktop Lawyer draws up the relevant documents. The forms are then filled in, online lawyers check the documents, and if the client is happy, file them with the courts. Lawyers offering the package- who describe it as quick and user-friendly - say they are following government guidelines.