Significant Growth

Estimated number of Internet users in Uzbekistan reached 407,500 as of 1 October 2003. As of 1 January 2003, there were an estimated 275,000 users, while as of 1 August their number was 353,100. The figures were announced at the session of the Complex on communication and information and communication technologies of the Cabinet of Ministers. It was noted that the number of Internet operators and providers had increased to 196 from 130 in the beginning of 2003. 455 state establishments are connected to the Internet and 6,691 economic entities. The number of collective internet access points has reached 155. The enterprises of the ICT sector provided 145.7 million soums worth of services in the reporting period, which is 31% more compared to the same period of 2002. The sector attracted 40.3 billion soums of credits and investments from all sources of financing, or 21% more than projected.