A significant event

Kazakhstan as well as other CIS states takes the leading positions in the list of countries with high level of piracy in the sphere of informational technologies. The Committee on rights of intellectual ownership under the Justice Ministry of Kazakhstan and the leading Kazakhstani companies of the informational market discussed this problem in Almaty. The leaders refused to use unlicensed computer products and signed the declaration of corresponding to copyright. 18 companies have signed this declaration. The Committee on rights of intellectual ownership considers this event to be a significant one, and it will be able to increase the raise the image of Kazakhstan where the computer piracy is developed in larges scales. - I am an optimist, and I think that people who have participated today in the meeting – first leaders of the companies of our Republic – will influence the formation of legal market, says Nurgaisha Sakhipova, the Committee on rights of intellectual ownership under the Justice Ministry of Kazakhstan, chairman. Sure, licensed computer programs will be more expensive. But the quality will be better as well. The trade of piracy copies is very developed in our country. The experts say that «black market» of intellectual ownership gives much more profit than the industrial production. The Justice Ministry promised to continue the inspections, especially computer clubs. According to Nurgaisha Sakhipova, there were no cases in Kazakhstan when people were imprisoned for the infringement of copyright but most of people paid fines. The Justice Ministry intends to control this sphere in future as well.