Video films at the computer, phone and outdoor screens

Last year the company began cooperating with “Actual City Media” (ACM). The company’s specialists have created the software “Unicaster”, which allows to transmit the views shot by the web camera not in the internet only (, but also at the WAP phones’ screens ( and ACM street screens. At the street (outdoor) screens, which are mounted above the Lithuanian opera and ballet theatre and above the leisure centre “Akropolis” the events from the reality show “Akvariumas” and from the clubs “Indigo in Ice”, “Jazz&Rock Cafe”, “Senasis rūsys”, and from pizzeria “Geltonasis submarinas” were broadcasted. This August – September for the first time by the means of “Unicaster” technology the video art project, which gas no analogues in Europe, was implemented. The project was implemented by “Skynet Film Studio”, ACM and by the creational organization “Involved”. The modern Lithuanian video art was presented at the festival: the works of Jurga Barilaitė, Artūras Raila, Valdas Ozarinskis, Vida Čeponytė, Linas Jablonskis, Evaldas Jansonas. You may view the digital video works at the web page If you have got a mobile phone with WAP functions, then you may view the mini-films at the phone screen having connected to Number of the video films’ album is 2064. There were many positive responses regarding the video art festival, thus ACM and "Skynet Film Studio” decided to gladden the video art admirers. On October 17 and on October 24 at midnight at the outdoor screens mounted above the Lithuanian opera and ballet theatre and above the leisure centre “Akropolis” the European cinema schools’ summer video studio’s program 2001-2003 was demonstrated. For the first time summer video studio was organised in Druskininkai (Lithuania) in 1995. In the year 1996 it was organised in Latvia, in 1997 – in Estonia. As in the last year, this year summer video studio was organised in Lithuania. At the Curonian Spit. Since the year 2002 the studio is organised as the intensive European community’s “Socrates/Erasmus” program – international creativity camp for the cinema schools. Each year a different summer video studio theme is chosen. This year the attention was paid to the sound vision in the film. Video studio’s works’ demonstration “Skynet Film Studio” is very glad of having an opportunity to promote the works of film higher schools. This project is expected to be a start for its cooperation with Lithuanian music academy and with Film and TV faculty’s training film and TV studio. Read more about “Skynet Film Studio” at the web site