The Youth Leaders of Baltics are for Free Belarus

The meeting of the leaders of the Baltic youth organizations of the right wing took place on November 1-2 in Piarnu, Estonia. The representatives of the youth organization of the Estonian Reformparty Youth, Estonian Centre Party Youth, Estonian “Res Publica Juventus”, Lithuanian Centre Youth, Lithuanian Young Conservatives League, Lithuanian Liberal Youth, Lithuanian Young Christian Democrats, Latvian People’s Party Youth and some other youth organizations. The most of the conference was devoted to Belarus and the coming parliamentary elections. Uladzimir Kobets, the coordinator of ZUBR movement, represented Belarus. The participants of the conference expressed their support to the Belarusian opposition’s efforts to return Belarus on the way of democracy. “The conference showed that there is a great interest of the neighboring countries to the democratization of Belarus and its further integration into Europe. It was underlined that Belarus is an inseparable part of Europe and it should not be left out of the European integration processes. The leaders of the youth organizations said that through the deputies of their parties in the national parliaments they will strive to achieve democracy in Belarus,” said Kobets. The Agreement on cooperation to achieve democracy in Belarus was signed at the Conference.