Polish co-producer of 'Pianist' on trial

The Polish co-producer of the Oscar-winning films "The Pianist" and "Schindler's List" went on trial Tuesday on charges of influence peddling, a bribery scandal that has gripped the nation and embarrassed Prime Minister Leszek Miller. Prosecutors say Lew Rywin, 58, solicited a bribe of $17.5 million from Agora SA, the publisher of the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, in exchange for his lobbying the government for favorable media laws that would allow Agora to buy a nationwide broadcaster. Prosecutors say Lew Rywin, 58, solicited a bribe of $17.5 million from Agora SA, the publisher of the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, in exchange for his lobbying the government for favorable media laws that would allow Agora to buy a nationwide broadcaster. Prosecutors say Rywin -- who pleaded innocent -- claimed to have been acting on the behalf of the prime minister. He could face up to three years in prison if convicted. "In the course of this trial I want to prove that I have fallen victim of an intrigue organized by other people," said a brief statement from the film producer, who was unable to attend this year's Academy Award's because his passport has been confiscated.