To Be a Belarusan in Bialystok

A neighbouring country with a grotesque president; a backward economy and a huge Polish minority, not always treated well by the authorities. Belarusans (not Belarussians) form a 250- to 300-thousand-strong minority in Poland (estimates vary), not always well-treated by the authorities either. To an outside observer everything might look fine. Belarusans have their organizations such as the "Center of Citizen Education: Poland - Belarus," and their events, such as an annual rock festival in Grodek. In other words, Belarusans can be Belarusans in Poland. Even at the "Small Europes" festival, organized by the Solidarity-owned Gazeta Wspolczesna daily, a band from Belarus performed freedom songs. The band, whose concerts are forbidden by the present-day Belarusan authorities, sang about its dreams of a democratic Belarus. But should the band_s members perhaps takea closer look at Poland, the hospitable country that allowed them to play their songs of freedom?