Secure Cash Out Procedure

Wincor Nixdorf is the first supplier to develop a cryptographic procedure preventing unauthorized cash machine withdrawals caused by viruses. Its SCOP solution (Secure Cash Out Procedure) ensures that viruses (trojans), now evident more and more with self-service terminals connected to the Internet, do not trigger any non-permissible withdrawals within the ATM's control module. Private X.25 networks are nowadays often being swapped out in favor of modern Internet connections (public networks). This however also means increased risk of viruses on the network. Inadequate virus protection can allow viruses (trojans) to get into the ATM's control module and cause it to trigger an unauthorized withdrawal. This is where the SCOP procedure kicks in. It ensures comprehensive security checks in conjunction with a central point of authorization. The withdrawal is permitted only following authorization by this central point, thereby creating a secure self-service cash withdrawal.