UK police seek web porn crackdown

UK police are contacting other forces worldwide in an attempt to close down websites with sexually violent content. The move follows the murder of Brighton teacher Jane Longhurst by a man addicted to web porn. Graham Coutts, 35, from Hove, had downloaded hundreds of images of asphyxia and necrophilia before he strangled Ms Longhurst last March. Detectives have invited foreign law enforcement agencies to discuss ways of clearing the internet of such material. BBC crime correspondent Neil Bennett said the police wanted more international co-operation - but they could have an uphill task. Peter Robbins, of the Internet Watch Foundation, agreed it is difficult to crack down on such sites unless they are based within the UK. He told the BBC: "The type of information that this person (Coutts) was accessing has always been around, such as in book form." Coutts was sentenced to life imprisonment at Lewes Crown Court on Wednesday.