Web-based robot

AlertSite Tuesday unveiled a free service that monitors Web sites around the clock. Web site admins receive instant notification when any problems are detected at their site. Companies can not only monitor the status of their Web sites, but they can also find out if their Web server is reliable. Does it serve Web pages, content and images in a timely manner to their users? AlertSite offers their free hourly Web site monitoring service through the use of a Web-based robot called SiteWatchdog. SiteWatchdog monitors Web sites from an independent connection to the Internet. The service immediately notifies site administrators via email and/or pager when it detects a problem. AlertSite believes that their software provides the best possible reliability in error detection by using a variety of critical tests that analyze a site_s performance, content, availability, scripts and security measures. Daily graphical reports are emailed to users, and all data is available for analysis and reporting. Members can upgrade their service for more frequent monitoring for additional monthly fees.