Import volume outstrips export in 2003

Hungary’s exports in Jan.-Dec. 2003 were up 8.8% in volume yr/yr and import volumes were up 10.1%, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) said. Forint-term export prices fell 0.4% yr/yr and import prices were 0.1% higher. The Forint weakened 4% against the Euro and strengthened 13% against. the dollar in twelve months to December. The average Forint rate was 1% weaker as the result of 3% strengthening in the first half of last year and 3-4% weakening in H2, KSH said. Forint term export and import prices fell in the first half of the year and rose along with Forint weakening in the second half. Export prices in December were 5.6% higher in Forint terms yr/yr.