A working visit

James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Group, will visit Slovenia for a short working visit, arriving late on the afternoon of March 16 and departing the following afternoon, March 17. In addition to high level meetings with government officials, Mr. Wolfensohn will participate in three events on Wednesday, March 17: First, he will inaugurate a Global Distance Learning Center at the Center for Excellence in Finance and link up via videoconference with the finance ministers of Albania, Croatia and Slovenia to discuss building capacity for better auditing and accounting in the public sector. Second, he will be present at a celebration marking the transition of Slovenia’s status among World Bank members from borrower to donor; a press conference will follow. Third, he will participate in the launch of a book published by the World Bank, Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the European Union at Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana’s cultural and congress center. The book was produced in partnership with the Bank of Slovenia, the Government Office for European Affairs and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana. During his visit, Mr. Wolfensohn will meet with President Janez Drnovšek, Prime Minister Anton Rop, and Finance Minister Dušan Mramor, as well as other prominent citizens and officials.