The Chess School of Anatolin Karpov Has been Open

Pasaulio šachmatų pirmenybės, 1974 m., Iš A.Karpovo - B.Spaskio mačo
Pasaulio šachmatų pirmenybės, 1974 m.
The Chess school of Anatolin Karpov has been open today, on the 30th of March, in Vilnius. It has been established in “Santara” high school that is known in Lithuania because of its young talents. World chess champion A.Karpov took part in the opening ceremony. He has put a lot of energy and he financed the ceremony. The young generation was excited to welcome the Chess star in their place. It was outstanding for kids when they competed with A.Karpov on ten chessboards at one time. The guest had one drawn game. The Vice-chairman of Prime Minister Ceslovas Jursenas, which is the President of Chess Federation of Lithuania, sincerely thanked the grand chess-master for his contributions to chess science and for the chess games popularize among youth. Get the virtual chess game! Website of A. Karpov >>>