The Investment Tender

Moldova terminates investment tender to make private 2 grid companies - RED NORD and RED NORD-VEST where Inter RAO UES took part. Moldova has invalidated the investment tender to make private RED NORD and RED NORD-VEST grid companies, Moldpress said. RAO UES/Rosenergoatom sub. Inter RAO UES and US AES were the bidders to get 75%+1 stocks in RED NORD and RED NORD-VEST. Successful bidder was to be named in April. However AES declined to take part and Inter RAO UES became a sole bidder. Sources with Inter RAO UES told AK&M they knew nothing about the tender termination. No official notification was provided. Last year, RAO UES and Gazprom lost in the tender to get Moldova GRES. Inter RAO UES was set up in May of 1997. RAO UES holds 60%, Rosenergoatom - 40%.