10th anniversary

President Lukashenka said on 22 July that the demonstration to mark the 10th anniversary of his becoming president was "yet another display of the brainlessness of our opposition". " They expected some 40,000 to 60,000 people to attend, but this will never occur," Lukashenka said. According to him, opposition activists rented buses in various cities and offered to give "hard currency" to those participating in the demonstration, but "the people turned and went away." Then, Lukashenka continued, the opposition grouped some 50 people at a busy place, raised signs, and took pictures. "This is what they were ready for," Lukashenka said. "We do not oppose rallies and demonstrations," he added, "but they must be legal and take place in designated places." Lukashenka also stressed that violations of the rules and regulations for demonstrations will be severely punished.